Self-care September: Tending to the Soil of the Heart, Mind and Gut
When was the last time you did something for you? If you had to think for a minute, it’s already been too long. Self care is not just about getting a massage or a manicure in, It is the literal practice of taking action to preserve or improve one's own health. I like to think that mental health and plain sanity, belong there as well. You’re probably thinking, "I don’t know what planet you live on, but there’s a pandemic going on!”. Well, That being said, have you noticed yourself more stressed? Or perhaps not able to receive good things as of late? This is actually the reason most of us feel stressed. Imagine the way you feel about life’s uncertainties as akin to a bound-up fist. How do we expect to receive anything good in that state? We have to surrender to what we know to be true and take responsibility for our vibration by making good choices, setting solid boundaries, feeing our feelings and surrendering to life's flow. We get in our own way when things or people take priority over our needs. We stop the flow of receptivity. We must awaken to our heart's desire and be willing to own it. Sometimes when you are juggling lots of uncertainties it is hard to even relate to this concept of Receiving life and allow it to flow through us FOR us fundamentally believing the Universe is on your side aka; Faith.
The answer as well as the solution to the struggle is in the energy of Divine Feminine. Embodying this energy is the path to how we continue to create from a place of passion and purpose. The old adage ‘You can’t love anyone else until you love yourself’ is more relevant now than ever. Until we receive the love and validation we crave from others from ourselves first by feeling good about our decisions and boundaries, we will never shine with confidence and the roots of happiness even when things aren't perfect. We are living in a trying time for many whom haven’t had to endure challenge for an extended period of time or haven’t had to pivot on a dime when shit hits the fan. I've lots to offer in the words of this 6 week online Program for your to empower yourself as well as do at your own pace. Stay focused on controlling your own energy based in Self Love and make decisions based in Truth. Stop seeking to pacify your chronic discontent with fleeting and empty regrets to numb the unaddressed pain...Coping mechanisms like alcohol, sugar, and negative core beliefs that hold us back from living our most high vibe life begin to fall away as you fan the flames of Self-Care and make space in the garden of your heart for the gut and mind to align...
Come 'Live Clean & Drink Dirty' with me!
When you tend to the soil of the heart, mind and gut, you give the seedlings of your soul a chance to grow and spread onto others. Sure ‘Self-Care September’ can sound selfish if you are operating on an old co-dependent IOS. I mean, who would take a whole month to ‘treat’ themselves? Question is, how can you be good for others if you aren’t good for yourself? If you want to show up as your most authentic being, you must first be in love with you—That means loving your choices, loving your boundaries, loving how far you have come and not regretting nor judging mistakes but learning and choosing better. We all know ‘Self-Care Saturdays’ is a thing, but this month we have ‘Self-Care September’. A month to RECEIVE the gift of love and attention so that when it is over you will have more to give those around you.
If you have been so involved with the well-being of others that you don’t even know where to begin or you want to fine tune your journey to self discovery and healing, I have developed just the thing for you. Not only that, but as a part of the Program Ferm Fatale’s Live Clean, Drink Dirty: 6 Weeks to transform your Heart, Mind, & Gut you will receive one-on-one personalized Life Coaching with yours truly. This Program in conjunction with our Shrub-scriptions were designed to jumpstart your wellness journey or get back on track for ’Self-Care success’ and step into your power to live a high-vibe life. You can choose to survive or you can choose to ‘surthive’. You can choose to be the miserable martyr or the powerful role model.
Take this month to start the process of letting go of the things that do not serve you. This begins with awareness. Did you know are offering huge savings on the Program for Culture Club members through September 30. Let’s leave the past behind and focus instead, on what is ahead with a clean and powerful mindset! Trust your Self. Live your truth. Focus on the connection with the Divine ‘co-creative force’ inside of you and shine that LOVE out into the world. The Ferm Fatale philosophy is about seeing life’s challenges as possibilities and to grow and evolve and realizing that it is your imperfections that make you sexy and unique. At the heart of “Self-Care’ is Self-Love and Self Responsibility. In order to fully love yourself, you must appreciate ALL the parts of yourself and your life. Even the ones you don’t deem perfect. Can I get a ‘Hell yeah!?’ Alright, let’s go—Click here to transform your life from the inside out.
Starting Wednesdays on IGLive, I will be talking all things 'Wildly Fermented Probiotic Mocktails.' Please join me!