Affirmation: ‘I bow to the presence expressing itself through me as me.’

Devotion is a word that often times is misunderstood in western culture as it is often perceived as a sure way to give up your power. On the contrary. Devotion is an opportunity to bow to the essence inside of you working through you as you. It is the creative regenerative energy that pervades all growth and supports us receiving the life we dream possible. This creative energy is the essence. I believe the highest form of devotion is the awareness about whether or not our comfort zone is restricting us. Comfort zones keep us small and restrict us from reaching out and growing beyond the known, reaching for something more significant, evolving and exploring your best self that brings up feelings of uncertainty to remind us of our faith. These feelings fade as the shadows disappear when we follow our gut instinct to expand as the light of faith shines within us. It takes courage to step out in faith, devoted to allowing this power inside to express itself by putting feet to our faith, again, faith is an action word.

You must let go to receive. You don’t have to fight for love or your voice to be heard. All you must do is commit to using your authentic voice and those that are meant to hear you will.

Love will set us all free.

Consider devoting your entire life to loving the moment, regardless if you have preference or not. Consider loving yourself so much you feel free every moment. Consider loving everyone around you so much your impact in the world takes place one person in front of you at a time. Life is too short to not love.

Ferm Fatale · Faith & Devotion Meditation