Living Clean Principle No. 8: Faith

Affirmation: ‘I trust in divine order.’

Faith is an action word. It is something that connects your beliefs to your behavior and doesn’t have much to do with a religion.

In fact, religion could be defined as something you do regularly.

Faith is not just a belief that everything will turn out the way it’s supposed to, faith is deeper. It is the knowing that the divine presence inside of you will propel you into the next step before you see the staircase. Have you ever received anything with a clenched fist? No. You receive with an open palm. Developing faith in yourself, knowing this presence is behind your best decisions and choices you make, causes you to realize your creative power to work with the power inside of you that wants to express itself through you as you.

As we develop our personal faith when we are willing to create our best life with the fullness of our joy, we open the window to our soul. Thoughts are good previews for what’s next, hence why the chapter on mindset was key to laying the foundation to faith. When we make our words express positivity they set an expectation that encourages us to make our actions demonstrate faith at work through us in what we say and do. Faith is an attitude of trust and confidence. As we are unmoved by limiting thoughts or conditions, we look beyond lack to experience freedom. Darkness in life has a source in the light of the divine. Any seeming darkness comes from the veil of my limited vision. There is only oneness. You are a spiritual being and miracles happen through you. Faith is not something outside of you. There is no man on a throne in the sky. I doubt there is a heaven. That idea is just a worn out evangelical belief that isn’t guaranteed. You get to live heaven or hell now. All we have is the now. Faith is an inner holy essence of glory. This essence is what we need to be devoted to.

Ferm Fatale · Faith & Devotion Meditation