13: Shrub

13: Shrub

Enhances weight loss, stabilizes blood sugars, and lowers cholesterol. Helps maintain an alkaline ph and promotes detoxification of the liver. Ease...

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10: Cider

10: Cider

Full of antioxidants, Cider helps the body to fight against free radicals and cell damage, lowering your risk of certain types of cancer, diabetes,...

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Improves digestion and also prevents gas and flatulence due to its carminative property. Also provides anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

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8: Oxymel

8: Oxymel

Recommended for gout, insomnia, coughs, congestion, and pained throats, ears, and backs.

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9: Fruit Kvass

9: Fruit Kvass

Supports immune function, cleanses the blood, combats fatigue and chemical sensitivities, allergies and digestive problems. Especially good for tho...

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4: Tepache

4: Tepache

High in vitamin C, also provides vitamins A, B and minerals like magnesium. protects the microbial flora of the colon. Helps to fight intestinal pa...

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2: Cyser

2: Cyser

A cyser is a mead which is fermented with the juice of apples rather than water.

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6: Mead

6: Mead

Healing tonics. The mead of preference was one infused with spices or herbs, using the sweet drink to mask some other flavors.

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5: Ginger Bug

5: Ginger Bug

Naturally rich in probiotics like lactobacillus bacteria and wild yeasts. All helping to support metabolic, digestive, and immune system health.

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1: Water Kefir

1: Water Kefir

A fruit-infused sparkling water, loaded with healthy probiotics that energize the body and help the gut.

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3: Jun

3: Jun

Anti inflammatory properties and loaded with antioxidants, which help protect the human body against harmful compounds.

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7: Kombucha

7: Kombucha

A fermented, lightly effervescent, sweetened black or green tea drink with an array of health benefits.

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